
chelonoidis nigra中文是什么意思

  • 加拉帕戈斯象龟
  • 例句与用法
  • The current categorization of species of " Chelonoidis nigra " is shown below.
  • Pinz髇 is home to giant Gal醦agos tortoises of the endemic subspecies " Chelonoidis nigra duncanensis ", Gal醦agos sea lions and other endemic species.
  • The Gal醦agos Tortoise Chelonoidis nigra, The marine iguana Amblyrhynchus cristatus, and many other photographs of the Galapagos Islands are in almost "'60 languages "'in Wikipedia.
  • The habitat for the Sierra Negra giant tortoise, " Chelonoidis nigra guentheri ", which has a saddleback shell, is on the southern and south eastern slopes of the volcano.
  • On 24 June 2012, Lonesome George, who was the last known Pinta Island tortoise ( " Chelonoidis nigra abingdonii " ), died in his habitat in the Gal醦agos Islands.
  • Until January 2011, George was penned with two females of the subspecies " Chelonoidis nigra becki " ( from the Wolf Volcano region of Isabela Island ), in the hope his genotype would be retained in any resulting progeny.
  • Since about 1850, no tortoises have been found on the island ( except for one or two introduced animals kept as pets by the locals ), and the International Union for Conservation of Nature classified the Floreana tortoise ( " Chelonoidis elephantopus " sometimes called " Chelonoidis nigra " ) as extinct.
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